Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Taryn recommends "A is for Ambitious"

A is for Ambitious isn’t your ordinary alphabet book. The illustrations and rhyming words help to reclaim words that are oftentimes used to put down girls and women of all ages. The book starts off with a diverse group of girls playing, but in the corner of the page are speech bubbles with words that you can’t quite make out yet. As you turn the next few pages the speech bubbles start to dominate the pages while the girls begin to look sad and upset. Instead of staying upset, our unnamed cast of friends start to take these words that usually have a negative meaning for girls and women and begin to reclaim them in a positive way. The book includes words such as: “A is for ambitious! I have big ideas, hopes, and wishes.”, “W, well, that’s for wild. I am free—my imagination is unbridled.”, and “E is for emotional. My feelings are valid, my heart is full.”

I love this book for so many different reasons. I love the concept the creators went for by taking words that are often used to put down women and girls (usually starting from a young age) and using them to empower young girls. This shows young girls that these words shouldn’t feel like put downs, but should instead be taken as compliments. The illustrations that are used show the girls doing activities that highlight what the text is saying and not only is it powerful, but they are gorgeous. I think that everyone would benefit from this book because while we need to teach children that these words are empowering for girls as well as boys, but adults will benefit from the reminder. I would recommend this to those with young children, especially young girls, in their lives.  

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