Monday, May 13, 2019

Ellen Recommends "A Mind Unraveled"

Husband, father, journalist, author, epileptic.  Kurt Eichenwald’s epileptic seizures started freshman year in college and he fought unbelievable obstacles to find the proper treatment and complete his education.  Some of the things that happened to him were of the ‘truth is stranger than fiction’ type, too bizarre to be believed.  Throughout his career he fought to overcome the stigma and handicaps associated with epilepsy and persevered to have as normal of a life as possible.  Because he knew his memory was not reliable, he kept diaries and tape recordings.  This gives validity to his recall of events in the distant past and helped him in his fights for justice.  If it hasn’t affected you personally, it makes you realize how important health insurance (with pre-existing conditions) and the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) are.  Everyone deserves an equal chance.  This should be recommended reading for all adults & teens.

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