Thursday, November 13, 2014

Beth recommends: "The Innovators" by Walter Isaacson

I have not even finished this book yet and want to recommend it – highly!  This is the story of the people and personalities behind the creation of the computer and the internet, told in a way that renders it very accessible to the layperson.  The history starts with Ada Lovelace, Lord Byron’s daughter, who with her mathematics interest and expertise was a pioneer in computer programming – before there were computers.  I am currently halfway through the book and up to the stories of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.  So many interesting people – and successes and failures - preceded them.  I have no engineering or programming background, but still am finding this story fascinating – especially the focus on personalities, and the way in which collaboration and teamwork was so fundamental to the success of the many entrepreneurs and the world in which we live today. 

Recommended for Adult, Young Adult

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