Monday, March 16, 2015

Kathy recommends "The Rosie Effect" by Graeme Simsion

Charming, quirky, clever, entertaining  --  all words to describe Simsion’s follow up to the Rosie Project.  Once again Professor Don Tillman is faced with a life adjustment well beyond his comfort zone.  He’s found the love of his life in Rosie, but now she’s expecting and Don is at a loss as to how to proceed with what he’s named  H.U.D. (Human Under Development).  His usual “go to” won’t aid him this time as no amount of research or spreadsheet pros and cons will help.  Don’s numerous missteps along the way don’t deter from the final outcome as he works to become father material for his little H.U.D.

Recommended for Adults and Young Adults

Friday, March 6, 2015

Emily recommends "Mason Jar Salads"

I almost always pack a lunch to bring to work and am always looking for new recipes and lunch ideas. I was very happy to have found this little book! It is packed full of different salad recipes that can all be packed and transported in pint size mason jars. You can even make up a week’s worth of salads at one time and store them in the fridge. If you’re looking for some tasty and different lunch recipes, I recommend you check out this book.

Adult, Young Adult